Dagon University


History of Dagon University

Dagon University (DU), a government university under the jurisdiction of Ministry of Education, was established in 1993 and it has now a capacity for sixty thousand students.

It is an Arts and Sciences University and situated 20 km north from Yangon City Center. The University offers Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programs in common liberal arts and sciences disciplines.

Dagon University: nurturing intellectually sharp, ethically responsible, good-natured, well-mannered students

Our Vision

To be the University which can create good academic atmosphere that is relied and valued by society and that can shape to build modern and developed democratic nation.

Our Mission

To produce outstanding graduate students who are well-integrated with intellectual growth, emotional growth and good citizenship, and enable to build a modern and developed democratic nation with prosperity and tranquility.

Our Values

intellectually, academically bright/sharp globally connected and locally engaged good natured ethically responsible

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