Dagon University


4th Myanmar Korea Conference Research Journal Volume 4, No.1, 2024

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3 Morphological, Microscopical and Phytochemical Studies on Leaves of Solanum lasiocarpum Dunal Aye Chan Myat, Khin Ohn Myint Download PDF
4 Isolation and Characterization of Fungi from Mangrove Soils Eaindra Chan Myae Download PDF
5 Isolation and Antimicrobial Activities of Endophytic Bacteria from the Leaves of Madhuca longifolia L. (Myitzu-thaka-nat-pan) Ei Myat Thu, Nwet Nwet Aung, Download PDF
6 Growth Effects of Endophytic Fungi Isolated from Flower of Catharanthus roseus (L.) G. Don on Different Media Ei Pyae Myo Win, Yee Yee Myint, Download PDF
7 Pollen Mophology and Fertility of Some Species in Taung Wyne area, Mawlamyine Township Ei Thandar Soe Download PDF
8 Antimicrobial Activity of isolated Soil Fungi Han Wai Zin, Yee Yee Thu Download PDF
9 Study on some Cyanobacteria species in Municipal Water Supply Tanks in Pyay area, Pyay Township, Bago Region. Hein Htet, Khin Mar Win Download PDF