Dagon University


4th Myanmar Korea Conference Research Journal Volume 4, No.1, 2024

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10 Antimicrobial Activity of Endophytic Fungi Isolated from Psidium guineensis Sw. Hlaing Tha Zin, Yee Yee Thu Download PDF
11 Isolation and Identification of Natural Yeasts from Three Selected Juices Hpue Mon Thant, Yee Yee Nwe and Ko Tin Download PDF
12 Morphological and Anatomical Characters of Hairs (Trichomes) found in Leaves of Elsholtzia blanda Benth. Htay Htay Win, Yee Hmawe Hmawe Aung Download PDF
13 Isolation and Identification of Endophytic Fungus, Fusarium and its Antibacterial Activity on Bacillus pumilus Khin Min Min Phyo, Thin Zar Myint Download PDF
14 Isolation and Identification of Endophytic Fungus, Curvularia and its Antibacterial Activity on Staphylococcus aureus Kyi Toe, Khin Min Min Phyo Download PDF
15 Forest Stand Dynamics of Compartment 82 and 84 in Kabaung Reserved Forest, Oaktwin Township, Bago Region Lwin Lwin Mar, Thiri Nyo Download PDF
16 Comparison of lipase enzyme activities extracted from lipolytic fungi May Barani Shu Shu Tan, Nu Yin Aye, Bay Dar Download PDF
17 Species Diversity and Forest Stand Structure of Neik-bein-na Protected Area in Pyay Township, Bago Region May Zon Thunn, Lwin Lwin Mar, Aye Myat Thuzar Download PDF
18 Study of Growth Rate on Allium cepa L. By Using Animal Manures Moe Moe Lwin, Thaw Maw Moe, Aye Thida Hlaing, Khaing Zin Tun, Aung Zin Oo, Nang Yee Mon Aung Download PDF